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Hi all,


Is there a way to replace an entire worksheet? Meaning:

  • In Airtable I add, adjust and delete records. I've added the ‘last modified time’ column, but if you delete a record, this is not “seen” by Zapier
  • The added, adjusted and deleted records I want to copy to Google Sheets. I want to update the entire worksheet from my AT base. 

Zapier doesn't ‘see’ the deleted records as deleted and doesn't trigger an action. Is it possible to just replace the entire worksheet as soon as something changes?


Thanks in advance for your help.

Hi @StM 

Here’s a Topic about how to delete records in Airtable:


Logic would be something like this:

  1. Trigger: Airtable - New Record in View (e.g. checkbox field = checked)
  2. Action: GSheets - Add Row
  3. Action: Webhook - Airtable API (Delete Record from Step 1)

Thanks for the help, unfortunately that is not what I mean.


I would like to have an exact copy of AT to GS, whether there is something added, changed or deleted. Now it only responds to the first two. 

The current order is:

  • Trigger1. New or Updated Record in Airtable > here I would like to add deleted record as well
  • Action2. Lookup Spreadsheet Row in Google Sheets
  • Action3. Delete Spreadsheet Row in Google Sheets
  • Action4. Create Spreadsheet Row in Google Sheets


Hey @StM!

I did some checking and there isn’t currently a trigger available for Airtable that would allow you to see when records are deleted. There is an existing feature request for this though so I’ve added your vote for that.

I can’t give any estimates on when that trigger would be added but we’ll email you as soon as it is! :)