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I am trying to connect TidyCal to a database in Notion so I have a register of all my meetings.

The zap is triggered by a new booking in TidyCal. In the booking form the user has to answer some questions (i.e.: phone number, instagram account, ets.) which Zapier recognizes, but they are displayed like that:


The answer to question number 1 “¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono” is stored under questions > 1 > answer, the answer to question number 2 under questions > 2 > answer. 

But when I try to put, for example, the answer to question number 4 in a field of my database, I just can’t. All I can do is put all of the answers in the field:

I’ve tried with Zapier’s Formatter, using the option “Split Text”, but it doesn’t make it any better. The only plausible solution I have find is puting the comma “,” as separator, but some answers contain commas as well and then the answer becomes divided:

Even if that was OK for me, when I try to configure it to the field, this is what I see:

With all these commas before the answer and some answers put together, not making any sense.

Is there any way to do this nicely?


Hi @bluevioletoceanstudio 

Good question.

Try these: Formatter > Utilities > line item options

Hi @Troy Tessalone 

Thank you for replying so quickly.

I’ve been trying the line item options and the best solution for me was to use “Line-item to text”:

This works fine for answes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6, but answer 5, which is a multi-check, somehow becomes all the answers together, as you can see above in item_5.

It would be incredible if this could be automatized as well, but by the way I think I can work with that.

Thank you again for your help.