Hi @MR_Concept
Good question.
Have you tried using the Formatter > Date / Time > options?
Help articles: https://zapier.com/apps/formatter/help
Providing screenshots with how your Zap steps are configure will be helpful for us to have context.
Yes as mentioned I did use the formater and found ways to make the remind date and start date to work, but I need to format them differently so it works (not very convenient) For the due date I just can't find a way to make it work if day is higher then 12.
Kind regards,
Hi @MR_Concept
Thanks for clarifying that you’ve already tried that.
Could you kindly send screenshots of how you’ve configured the steps of the Zap so far?
(If there’s any personal information, kindly blur them.)
That’ll help me make sure I give you the best suggestion possible.
Looking forward to your response!
for now I made so many other tests since I last wrote something, I will make more test next week and send you the results.
Hey there @MR_Concept,
Awesome to hear that you've been busy testing things out. Thanks for keeping us in the loop!
We're excited to hear about the results of your upcoming tests next week. Keep us posted!
i found out that problem is two things: not same format for the date depending on the field and also if “day number” is higher then 12, it will cause Insightly to refuse it. I sent a video to better explain in private.
Kind regards,
Hey there @MR_Concept,
I did some digging into this, and it seems like you’re running into a bug with Insightly and your contact information is already added to the open bug report. I’m afraid there is no workaround for this at this time.
I noticed that you have already been in contact with one of our Support Specialists. If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding the bug, I recommend that you continue the conversation with them.
I hope for your understanding.
Ok I hoped that by speaking of the problem some user would come with a solution because having the ability to input dates only half of the month is not very friendly user.
Hi @MR_Concept
Thank you for sharing your situation with the Community.
We’ll take into consideration the feedback you provide. Regarding the bug report, we’ll let you know via email once it’s resolved.
If you have other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Just to give the resume of the conclusion I have at this time with Insightly: They know they have a problem and they don’t plan on working more on this as they want me to go with appconnect instead
Ah, glad to hear you were able to chat with Insightly, @MR_Concept. We appreciate you keeping the community in the loop! 
In fact it was sad news since they said it is as it is and will probably stay like that. I followed my tests yesterday and what I found out is the reason why it does not work is because of the user language and user date/time format. What it means is if I push from Zapier to Insightly to two different users that have different language and date/time format I will get different result. Bottom line, what I did for now is to put everyone in English language that way I can send from Zapier to Insightly in any format (I tested some but not all!) and it works perfect. As soon as I put back user with french language that is when it starts to not work.