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How to process any new Google Sheet uploaded to a folder in Zapier?

Newb here.

Step 1 - Works fine: New Spreadsheet in Google Sheets. Triggers when new sheet is uploaded to specific folder.

Step 2 - Create Spreadsheet Column in Google Sheets. This works if I point it directly at the test file that triggered Step 1. But I want to set it up to use whatever file was triggered, so I can upload files of any name to that folder and they get processed by this Step 2.


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13 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @ScotterMonkey 

To do this dynamically you would need to map the Spreadsheet ID and Worksheet ID from previous Zap steps.

Hi @ScotterMonkey 

To do this dynamically you would need to map the Spreadsheet ID and Worksheet ID from previous Zap steps.

Thanks! Up for sharing how I do that or pointing me to a page that describes how? Please note: I’m a newb.

Userlevel 7
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Help article about mapping variables between Zap steps using the ‘CUSTOM’ tab:

Thanks. I read it and tried to replicate. However, it is so general, it does not mention one of the parts of my situation (if the only part) that I’m having a hard time getting to work. Namely, that in step 2 (Create Spreadsheet Column in Google Sheets), I want to refer to a dynamic file and worksheet from previous step. What’s not clear to me is in the Custom field for file, do I choose “File: (Exists but not shown)”? Seems likely but it isn’t working. Or, maybe the reason my test is failing is the next field, Worksheet (required), where (in Custom tab again) I scroll down through all the possible choices and it is not showing my worksheet name as a field. I wonder if someone here can actually address this exact issue?

Userlevel 7
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For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

You may have to add this Zap step: GSheets - Find Worksheet

That should return the Worksheet ID.


In case an image will help.


For us to have more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.

You may have to add this Zap step: GSheets - Find Worksheet

That should return the Worksheet ID.


Thanks. I added this step and it still asks for File, but adds “Title (required” field and when I search for “Worksheet…,” finds no match. Here is a screenshot.


Userlevel 7
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To do this dynamically you would need to map the Spreadsheet ID and Worksheet ID from previous Zap steps.


Spreadsheet field expects the Spreadsheet ID, rather than a file object.


Help article about using dropdown fields with dynamic variables:

The links are not bringing up pages that share or instruct with information specific to my situation. Maybe I was not clear enough from the beginning what I’m trying to do? Rather than piecemeal and sharing of old articles or non-specific ones, can you try this thing and just tell me what to type into the fields? Like when I tried your eventual suggestion to add a “Find Worksheet in Google Sheets” step, it presents two fields, “Spreadsheet” and “Title”. You said add a Spreadsheet ID. I can get the static ID but if I add that, would it not defeat the purpose of wanting this to use the ID of the previous step where an uploaded sheet triggered? When I search the params for that field, I see no “Spreadsheet ID” as a param. I see an ID that *may*/*seems* to represent the sheet but it has no param name. This *seems* like it should be a simple thing to do and I’m just not following your vague instructions. I know I’m asking for your time for free so I AM grateful for the time you have already put in to try to help me. I’m just feeling some frustration that the help pages you are sending me to are either (a) old (showing “this is beta”) or (b) addressing some action that has different field types than I need to use.

Userlevel 7
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Hi there, @ScotterMonkey 👋

I just came across this thread and wanted to check how things are going. Did you manage to get this sorted? 

It looks like you also reached out to the Support team who shared that if the spreadsheet file only has one worksheet then the ID that worksheet’s ID will always be 0. Not sure if you saw their latest replies but thought I’d share how to add that default worksheet ID as a custom value here in case it’s helpful:

And to select the Spreadsheet’s ID so that it’s dynamically updated every time, in the Spreadsheet field you’d again use the Custom value option and select the ID field from the Google Drive trigger.

For example:

Keen to ensure you’re all set so please do let us know whether you’re in need of any further help on this at all. 🙂

Hi Sam -

Thanks for taking up the slack here. Support replied to me that while we can select spreadsheet dynamically, we can not select worksheet dynamically. They said they put in a feature request and I would be informed if/when they made the fix.


Scott Swain

Thanks, Sam.

For now I’ll use that method of using 0 to refer to first worksheet.

Userlevel 7
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Thanks for the updates here @ScotterMonkey. 🤗

Glad to hear that workaround for selecting the worksheet can be used in the meantime. With that in place, it seems like you’re all set for now but if anything changes on that do let us know. Until then, happy Zapping! 😁⚡