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When a deal is created in pipedrive we are trying to fetch the customer information and create subscription on chargebee using zapier in between.


But everytime we move a deal to won in pipedrive multiple times zap event is called out which leads to multiple creation of subscription and customers in chargebee.


Ideally once the user click WON in pipedrive on a deal zapier (updated deal event) should fetch the contact person details and we are using chargebee even to push data in chargebee which should create 1 customer and one subcription.

Hi @Pooja505 

Can you please clarify your question with specific examples and screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured?

hi @Troy Tessalone When a deal is updated to Won status in pipedrive we are calling this zapier.

  1. Updated Deal status to fetch the deal when status is updated to Won.
  2. Check status=won and pipeline ID=’Sales’.
  3. We have to move the start date to a certain date so we have put 2 date/time format.
  4. Date/time format
  5. Using contact/person information field from pipedrive we are creating a customer in chargebee using create customer event.
  6. On that customer the subscription should get created using chargebee create subscription event.

Now there are some automations on the backend which are created for some mandatory field on DEAL level in pipedrive which is causing ZAP to create 4-5 successful events and leading to 4-5 customer and subscriptions getting created.

We want to achieve 2 things-

1.“We can not remove automations but we want that whenever a deal is moved to WON it should only trigger zap once and only create one customer/subscription in chargebee”

2. “For one contact/person only 1 customer should get created in chargebee i.e zap should understand that for this person the customer is already existing so skips the customer creation step and move to direct subscription.



Try changing to this Zap trigger: Pipedrive - Deal Matching Filter