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how to pick any card in a list

  • 21 June 2020
  • 1 reply

Dear All,


Im trying to update a cards name with a number between brackets when it is entered to a certain list in my Trello board, however zapier is not giving me an option to set it for all cards that enter the list, its only giving me an option to choose a card in that list that already exists, can someone please let me know how to choose the option of all cards that enter the list should be updated.


Best Regards,

Omar Fakieh

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi there @ofakieh - Thanks for writing in today. If I’m understanding you correctly, it sounds like you wish to update all cards that are on the List that you have. May I ask how many cards are you looking to bulk update? According to our Trello Zapbook here: - It looks like you could have a Trello Search action that is Find List or Find Card but it doesn’t allow you to select one list but multiple cards. You’re probably going to look at creating a Zap per each card you wish to update since it sounds like the card already exists and you don’t want to duplicate or create new ones. Please let me know if this information was helpful.