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How to pass notes from evernote to todoist

  • 6 March 2021
  • 2 replies

Hi guys,


I would love to know how to integrate evernote into my todoist. I’ve seen videos on Youtube where a logo from evernote comes up in todoist once the task is created. 


Let me know if you know how to do it!





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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hi @Eric.font,

It’s very easy to integrate Evernote to Todoist using Zapier, just follow this walkthrough page and you will have it up and running in a moment:


Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @Eric.font!

When you say “a logo from evernote comes up in todoist once the task is created” do you mean that a task is created in Evernote? Or you mean a task is created in Todoist and then something from Evernote is added to that Todoist task?

Have you taken a stab at this using the link that Rob provided above, by any chance?