
How to modify and forward a received Email

  • 21 October 2020
  • 5 replies

Userlevel 1

Hi there,

I’m new to Zapier and would like to know how I can modify an Email received by Zapier
(take the sender’s Email address and put it into the mail body) and then forward the entire Email (incl. any graphics attached to the mail or contained in the body!) to a specific Email address. Can I get Zapier to do that for me?

Can anyone help?


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5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi @rnworker 

You’re using the “Email by Zapier” trigger I assume?

These are the two fields you get from the trigger step that are important for you:


Sender: the senders email address.

Striped HTML: This is the HTML of the body of the incoming email. You can map this field into the outgoing email (and make sure you set type=HTML).

Userlevel 1

Hello Andrew,

thanks for your help first of all! :-)  I got the Zap working, as you described. The only problem is that the graphic (which was pasted from the clipboard and pasted into the Email) is not directly in the body as it was before. You now have to click a very long link in the body to download the graphic. There’s probably not much one can do I’m afraid…?
Background: I’m trying to find a solution for the problem that the Email-to-Card-function in Trello does not provide the sender’s address on the card. I therefore tried to place Zapier in the middle to insert the sender’s address into the body before forwarding the Email to Trello. Of course, I also tried to directly create a Card in Tello with Zapier but the same effect: the graphic in the text is only available by a link and not directly on the Card any more, which is the case when I sent the Email directly to Trello.
Both solutions will unfortunately not work for our workflow I’m afraid. Is there a Zapier solution maybe that allows sending Emails (with graphics in the Text) to Trello and have the sender’s address included?

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi @rnworker 

I expect the HTML code is the problem here - and also the way certain email clients render images into emails.

You could possibly use a “Formatter->Text->Extract URL” step to grab the image URL from the email body and then a “Trello→Add Attachment to Card” step to achieve what you need?

Userlevel 1

Hi Andrew,

I’m stuggling a bit with the part “Formatter->Text->Extract URL”. Where can I find this Formatter? Is this a Zap of its own? Which apps do I need to select?

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Yes, it’s an app of it’s own - when you click to add an action step, search “Formatter”.