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I would like to keep certain fields in Workitems in sync between ADO and Workboard.   For example if the title field is updated in One, it updates that title in the other system.  Does this require a custom trigger in each system?  Is this fundamentally a bad idea?

Essentiually what I would like to do is:

  1. Create a link between a Workboard work item (objective and Key result) to an ADO WIT (objective and Key Result) then ideally keep some of all of these fields in sync
  2. Title sync (one way or both ways)
  3. Parent-Child Link Relationship (optional)
  4. Description Sync (optional)
  5. Key Results Status (Optional)
  6. URL: link to query of Work Item from Workboard Item to ADO Item
  7. URL: link to query of Work Item from ADO Item to Linked Workboard Item

Hi @KevinVF - You may benefit from using a lookup table so you can avoid custom triggers in each system.


@steph.n thank you, that’s helpful.  I’ll take a look at it.