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How to let team members use their own accounts for Tasks in a shared Zap?

  • 5 June 2024
  • 5 replies

Hey people,


maybe I’m just not finding it, but I would like to have following:


I have a Zap with several Steps and one is using Slack.

I want to share this Zap with my team members.

My team members don’t have to do anything other than just connect their Slack account with Zapier.


And depending on the Trigger of the Zap and/or other conditions in the Zap, the used accounts in that Zap would change dynamically.


Is that only possible when all team members share their accounts with the team (or at least me as the Zap Owner?)


The example in practice would look like this:


Once a week, every Task from the team members’ ToDoIst app should be checked for tasks with a specific tag. Because it includes their private boards as well, it needs to be their individual accounts.

Those Tasks should be summarized and sent via their own Slack account to a channel. So for that it also needs to be their individual accounts.


Would love to get some input. Maybe I’m just blind. :D


Thanks and take care,


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5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @OguzYilmaz, welcome to the Community! 🎉

You could share a template of the Zap with them. That would allow your team members to add a copy of it to their own account so that they can change the relevant trigger and action steps to use their own Todoist and Slack accounts. You can learn more about how to do that here: Share a template of your Zap

Alternatively, you could create copies of the Zap for each team member and share access with them: Share a Zap with members of your Zapier account

Hope that helps to get you pointed in the right direction. If I’ve misunderstood or you run into any trouble on that do let us know! 🙂

Hey @SamB , no you understood it correctly and that would make it work - until I want to change the Zap and I have to change it for every team member individually and/or make new copies for all of them, right?


Maybe that could be a very useful feature to not not only share a template with team members but also allow to “adapt it to their own needs” and allow them to dynamically change specific accounts.


So that I won’t put my Slack account in the Zap in the first place but rather put a placeholder-Slack-account.

And when changes are made to the Zap, it would change for all of them. :) 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Thanks for letting me know, @OguzYilmaz! 🙂

Currently it’s not possible to publish changes to all Zaps created from a Zap template, or to copies made of a Zap since the Zaps are all separate. That’s a great idea though! It would be great if there was a way to link Zaps together somehow so that you can apply changes to all the connected Zaps, but not override the connected accounts. I’ll submit this idea on your behalf to the Product Team here for consideration. I can’t make any promises around when/if that functionality would definitely be added to Zapier but we’ll follow up here to share an update once it is!

Do let me know if there’s anything else I can assist with in the meantime. Until then, happy Zapping! ⚡


Hey @SamB thanks for the replay! I’ll use the workaround but would be really really cool to get that feature!


I see a lot of use cases for teams with that. Looking forward to read from you again if there is an update. :)

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

You’re most welcome, @OguzYilmaz! 🤗

As soon as I hear anything on that I’ll be sure to let you know. And please do get in touch again if you run into any trouble implementing that workaround at all - always happy to help further!