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Hi! So I have a premium (paid) email newsletter on Beehiiv that I want to offer as an upsell in my Thrivecart product funnel. However, I’m having a hard time figuring out how to automatically sign up my customers to my $9/month Beehiiv premium newsletter in Thrivecart. 


Is there a way that Zapier can use the credit card information (I’m using Stripe as the payment processor) that my customers have already provided when they purchased the main product to directly sign them up to the newsletter once they click the purchase button on the upsell?


I don’t want to make my customers go through another step of inputting their payment information to sign up to Beehiiv separately. 


Thank you so much in advance for your help!!

Hi @thewealthyfeminine 

Some options to explore...

Zap app triggers/actions:


If you need to add a Filter Zap step:

Hi @thewealthyfeminine ,
We just wanted to see how everything is going with your Zap. Did Troy's recommendation get the job done? Feel free to reach out if you need further assistance with your Zap. We're glad to address any concerns and assist you.
We're looking forward to your response.

Hi! So, I used the “upsell purchase” as the trigger and “create new subcriber” as the event. And even though it’s showing that i have one new subcriber in my Beehiiv dashboard, my revenue is still zero though it should be $9. How do i make sure that when a customer purchases the upsell in my Thrivecart checkout page, they’re automatically charged the $9/month recurring Beehiiv ssubcription fee? 

Hi @thewealthyfeminine 👋

I’m not seeing any fields in the Create a Subscriber action that where you would set the revenue amount. But I did notice a Double Opt-In Setting field. So if that field is set to “On” I’m wondering if perhaps the revenue for the subscription doesn’t get added to the dashboard until the user opts in via email and is marked as “active”.

Do you think that could be the case here or is the user already marked as being an active subscriber in Beehiiv?