So, my situation:
- I have a Woocommerce store
- After any created order, send an outbound email to two different shipping partners, using filter on product(name) (using the ‘Line items name’ data) to define which partner the email should go to.
So far so good, I have created 2 Zaps, one for each of my shipping partners, since product X needs to be shipped by partner A and product Y should be shipped by partner B.
I am using the ‘Line items name’ in the outbound emails to shipping partners.
So here is my question: if a customer buys both Product X and Y, there are two emails being sent to both shippings partners. BUT due to privacy reasons, I don’t want shipping partner A to see the order name Y in their email, and vice versa for the email sent to partner B. FYI both product names are retrieved via the ‘Line items name’ data).
Is there a way to do this?
Hope there is a solution!