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I would love to put a hyperlink inside a native Gmail email (sent from Gmail, not via Zapier) and it notify me somehow, if someone clicks that link…. text, Slack, another email, etc.


Is there a way to set this up? The emails themselves that I’m sending are not automated, they vary from person to person. I just want the ability to add ONE link and then get a notification that it was clicked. (For context, this would be so potential leads could click the link and say “no longer interested”)

Hi @jessfreeman 

You’ll need to use an email tracking app.

For example, Mailgun has this trigger event:



The other option is to have the link redirect to a web page.

As part of the link you’d configure URL query string parameters to pass along.

On that web, there would be JavaScript configured to parse the URL query string parameters and trigger a webhook.

That webhook would be used to trigger a Zap.

The Zap trigger would be Webhook (Catch Hook) which would generate the webhook URL to use in the JavaScript:

Thank you! Sounds like the second option is what I am looking for, just need to figure out how to do that :)


This topic might point you in the right direction:


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