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How to get GCLID from Shopify for Google Ads Offline Conversion?

  • 25 April 2022
  • 7 replies

Userlevel 2

Hi, I am trying to implement the Google Ads Offline Conversion from Shopify.  It all connects nicely, but I can npt find the field that contains the GCLID.  Which field would this be?

For a more advanced implementation, I was also looking at the Shopify API, Orders.CustomerJourney.moments would give a full session history, which would be ideal to give partial credits to each different GCLID.  How can I implement that?




Best answer by christina.d 3 May 2022, 07:55

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7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hi there, @Innervision Crystals! Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the Community! 🎉

I took a quick peek around and this Search Ads Help doc states it’s sent to your landing page in a URL parameter named gclid. Do you mind if I ask what trigger you’re using in Shopify? Also do you have URL auto-tagging enabled in your Google Ads account?

Here’s some other resources that might be useful including a Shopify help doc on setting up Google Ads conversion tracking and a Zapier blog post about how to track offline conversions. 

Regarding your question on partial credits, I’m not entirely certain it’s achievable but if it were it would need to be done utilizing Webhooks by Zapier and, as you mentioned, the Shopify API

Let us know and I hope some of this helps gets you on the right track!

Userlevel 2

Hi Cristina, I am using the Shopify New Orders (Any Status) trigger for the Offline Conversions.  Yes, Google Ads is set to Auto tagging. I set the parameter to Source URL which would be the only option I can see that would contain a GCLID as there was no GCLID parameter to pick from the Shopify Fields.  I do not know if Zapier properly parses the GCLID from the URL parameter.  Also it would only capture last click conversions, and no other like first click, etc.  That would require access to the Shopify customerjourney fields.

Anyway, since the Shopify to Google Ads Offline Conversions is a premade zap template, I figured the proper field to capture the GCLID would be available.

Userlevel 2

@christina.d I forgot to tag you in my last message.  I am having a hard time, as none of the available fields for the Shopify New Orders trigger has the GCLID info that I can see.  Since the Shopify to Google Ads Offline Conversion is a pre-made template, the team who made the template should know what field they used for the Shopify trigger to capture the GCLID.

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Thanks so much for confirming you have auto tagging turned on, @Innervision Crystals!

I did some more digging and it appears the GCLID isn't available for use in this Shopify Trigger. 😞 It appears when we send a request to Shopify to send us new paid orders, the GCLID isn't a provided to us in their response.
I can see there is an open feature request for this though and I went and added your vote to this. While I don’t have an estimate on when or if this will be available, we’ll be sure to send an email and update the thread at that time.

Thanks again for your feedback and welcome to the Community!

Userlevel 1

Hi, I’m using this template:


And we’re also looking for a way of sending the GCLID from Shopify. We are willing to do some custom coding in order to include the GCLID in one of Shopify’s order properties, but we have tried a couple of order properties and they don’t work optimally. Which Shopify order property does the creator of this template recommend for the purpose of saving the GCLID? 


Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Hi @traffric 


Welcome to the community. Let me add your vote to this feature request. We’ll send you an update via email once ready. Thank you!

Userlevel 1

Hi @jammer.solijon , thanks, but which feature are you referring to? Can you please link to the request? 


Also, I think there must be a recommend way of passing the GCLID if a Shopify store is already capturing it. Not many Shopify stores capture it, but we did a custom development to do so, we now just need to know which is the recommended Shopify Order property to use to pass it through a Zap into Google Ads. 

I believe there is a recommended Shopify Order property to be used to pass this value once a store already captures it. Could we ask the creator of this template maybe? 
