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I am working with the platform Kajabi and Google Sheets. 


I want to format the address information from Kajabi checkout (address, state, zipcode, etc) so that there are spaces when they are zapped into the google sheets. 

This is the Kajabi check-out screenshot attached mahalo!


When address is zapped into google sheet I see: addresscitystatezipcode

I want it to look like address city state zipcode


Hi @Aleysia 

Please post screenshots with how your Zap step is configured.

TIP: Try adding a space between the mapped variables for each data point, then test.

Super helpful mahalo!


I got confused between the 2 options if you could articulate the difference between the transform and the separator options. 




You shouldn’t need a Formatter step in your Zap.

Simply map each data point to the desired GSheet fields. (assuming you have a separate field for each Address part, which would be advised)


If you want a properly formatted Address in 1 line then, make sure to add a space between each mapped variable.

NOTE: You are missing Address Line 2


Also, the trigger example you are using to configure the Zap has “No data” for each mapped variable.

Help article for how to change the trigger test data:

Hey @Aleysia

Troy’s correct here, it’s not necessary to use a Formatter step to add the spaces in between each Kajabi address field. You can select the individual fields from the Kajabi directly in your Google Sheets step.

Depending on how you have your Google Sheets spreadsheet set up you can either select the individual address fields for each column. Or if you’re using a single column in Google Sheets to store the address, then you’d select all the individual Kajabi address fields but manually type in a “space” in between each field. Here’s a couple of examples of how those different set ups would look to help explain it better...

For separate address columns in Google Sheets:

For a single address column in Google Sheets:

Hope that helps! :relaxed:

Thank you for the screenshots for reference. I did my zaps again with simply adding the spaces and it worked! Mahalo!