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How to fix typos in email addresses with Zapier's Formatter step?

  • 23 April 2024
  • 1 reply

I have a Zap that pulls leads from Facebook Instant Forms (Lead ADs) and adds them to a MailChimp Audience List (which then fires off a drip sequence / mail automation to nurture those leads) and also adds them to a LinkedIn Custom Audience List (for us to use this to re-market to those folks on LinkedIn).

The issue here is when someone enters / mis-spells their email ID i.e. :

1) (missing the L before the .com)

2) (missing the I after g)

3) (missing the I before l)

4) (missing the M at the end)

5) And so on and so forth...

When this happens, the contact does not get added to MailChimp as it throws an error assuming this to be a fake email ID (obviously because of the typo) and we end up having to manually go into MailChimp and renter the details manually.

Naturally all further steps that depend on email ID (adding them to remarketing list on LinkedIn etc) also fail because of this.

I was able to figure out that using the Formatter Step > Text > Replace function, I can look for such typos and correct them to

However since the Formatter Step only allows a single word / phrase to be identified and corrected per step, I am not able to figure out how I can create a step that looks for all above such possible typos i.e. searching for multiple phrases and correct it to the standard

I can use multiple Formatter Steps - but then how would I confirm / decide which of the multiple outputs is the corrected value, to be mapped to the final contact being created on MailChimp?

(as in, I wont know which of the multiple formatter steps has generated the correct email ID as  one zap instance may correct to and another zap instance may correct to and hence its a random occurrance due to which its impossible to tell which of the multiple formatter steps puts out the final corrected value)

As in say I create 5 Formatter steps to correct the 5 most mis-spelt variations, but only one of the outputs is useable, I am not able to figure out how to create a step where it looks for MULTIPLE POSSIBLE PHRASES and corrects them and generates ONE OUTPUT which can be safely mapped to the next step i.e. adding contact to MailChimp audience list with the correct email ID.

One way is to create multiple FILTERS & PATHS which branch off for each of the typo variations i.e. Path A for; Path B for; Path C for etc - but then I would have to end up replicating MULTIPLE STEPS post that i.e. each path would end up having the Add to MailChimp and then Add to LinkedIN audience step and any corrections to be made would then have to be replicated each time across multiple paths which becomes too cumbersome and time consuming.

So is there a way to use any sort of Look-up Function to create a table of commonly mis-spelt variations of and have the system identify and correct it and put out a single corrected email ID output to be mapped to the next steps?

Alternatively, I see that the Code by Formatter / Code by Zapier can also be used but I am a total novice and have no clue how to code to have the system identify and correct multiple possible typos.

Will be great if the community could throw some light and while I am sure this is a common problem for literally anyone running Meta / FB / Insta Ads, I have searched extensively across the forums and unable to find anything in this regard.

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Jhashank Roy Chowdary 

1 Code step would be the most robust option.

Zapier Code steps have an AI assistant that can generate code for you. (help)

Or try asking ChatGPT for help generating the code to use in the Zap Code step.