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How to filter Stripe payment links in Zapier using product IDs?

  • 29 June 2024
  • 2 replies

I have read the article already posted by another community member. I have the same situation where I have 3 different products with different payment links in stripe. I have tried using the filter by zapier way but when I go to select field drop down menu it gives me the preselected information from the most recent checkout session selected on the Stripe trigger. Is there anyway to create a filter where it is generic and I can enter the specific stripe product ID to complete the Zap.  

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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @CoachC 

To give us more context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured for the Stripe trigger and Filter.

Thanks @Troy Tessalone for reaching out. After quite some trial and error, I finally figured it out. When setting up the stripe checkout session trigger, I needed to edit it so that  the filter by zapier selection would work. Then I used the filter option and it went through. Thank you for reaching out. Problem solved.