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How to filter duplicate Acuity signups in Zapier to Google Spreadsheet?

Hi! I’ve got a Zap setup sending signups from Acuity to a Google Spreadsheet. But it seems to be firing a lot of duplicates, slash we just have people who signup a lot and so we don’t need the Zap to fire for them. Can anyone help me figure out how to create a filter for duplicates. Is there a way to? Thanks in advance!

19 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Katie Rose 

Use this Zap action: GSheets - Lookup Row

There is a checkbox option to create a row if not found.

Doing so results in a Zap step that is find/create row.

Userlevel 1

Thanks, Troy! I think I’ve done it correctly now. I put it before the create row, so that hopefully it catches duplicates and doesn’t create a row when already found. If I took a screenshot of the setup, would you mind making sure it looks okay? I’m very new to Zapier. Thanks!

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

@Katie Rose 

Feel free to post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode to give us context.


When in doubt, test it out!

Userlevel 1

Thanks again, Troy! Unfortunately, I don’t pay for Zapier, so I can’t add the third step. Thanks for the info though!

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

@Katie Rose 

You don’t need a Filter step.


Zap Steps

  1. Trigger: Acuity - New Appointment
  2. Action: GSheets - Lookup Row
    1. Check the checkbox for create row if not found


Zap step 2 will either find an existing row or create a new row.

Meaning if an existing row is found, then no new row is added, thus preventing duplicates.

Userlevel 1

Ok, I think I did this correctly:


Userlevel 7
Badge +14

@Katie Rose 

Can you post screenshots with how the top 3 rows of your GSheet?


You likely don’t need a Supporting Lookup Column selected.


Userlevel 1

Hi Troy,

Here’s the screenshot you requested. As you can see, there’s not a header row or anything. I’m parsing through these now and there are a ton of duplicates. I can’t tell if it’s Zap or Acuity throwing the duplicates.


Userlevel 1


Userlevel 7
Badge +14

@Katie Rose 

To use GSheets in Zaps, Row 1 needs to have Headers.


Userlevel 1

@Troy Tessalone 

Ok, I figured out that it’s likely on Acuity’s side: the repeats are based on the number of sessions signed up for by that same person. I’m still not sure how to fix this, if you have any thoughts I’m all ears. Thank you!

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

@Katie Rose 

Make sure the GSheet has Headers in Row 1.


Zap Steps

  1. Trigger: Acuity - New Appointment
  2. Action: GSheets - Lookup Row
    1. Check the checkbox to create if not found
    2. Thus step logic is find row else create row if not found
  3. Action: Filter
  4. Action: GSheets - Update Row
    1. Map the Row/ID from Step 2
Userlevel 1

Thank you for following up @Troy Tessalone, I really appreciate it.

I can’t add a filter because I don’t pay for Zapier, but I did the other steps. The test it sent is a record that is a duplicate (x4). So I’m not sure I did it right. Here’s the screenshot:



Userlevel 7
Badge +14

@Katie Rose

In the GSheet, Row 1 needs to be a Header row with labels for each field.

Reference this help link:

Then you can refresh your Zap GSheet step to see each of the columns to map variables to.




Userlevel 1

@Troy Tessalone: So, the issue I’m seeing is that even with the data rows all broken out, Acuity is sending the information in one go, in one cell. Like this:


Userlevel 1

And it still duplicated.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

@Katie Rose 

In the Zap, you would need to refresh the GSheet step for it to detect the Header Row.

Then you can map each Acuity variable from step 1 to the correct column.

And you likely would need to reconfigure the Lookup logic in the GSheet Zap step to reference the correct lookup column.


If you still need help, post updated screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode.



Userlevel 1

Thanks again, @Troy Tessalone. I think I fixed the issue. Once I got all the fields figured out, it sent everything separately, then it didn’t duplicate the info when I retested it. So hopefully this settles it. Thanks again for you help!

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

That’s great news @Katie Rose! A huge thanks to Troy for lending a hand and pointing you in the right direction!

If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Community. We’re always happy to help! 🤗
