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How to extract the second value in an output array?

  • 12 December 2022
  • 2 replies

Trying to create a system that creates a new project and then adds a list of pre-configured to-do tasks. I can create the project fine, but creating the to-do list returns an error. To do this successfully, I need to have the ID value of the to-do dock. This changes for each project, so I can’t hard code it. The dock ID values returned by creating the project in the previous step come back in an array formatted as sA, B, C, D, E]. I need value B. How would I be able to extract that value so I can properly label it and create the to-do list?

Hi @therealkenobi 

Good question.

Try using the Formatter > Utilities > options related to line items

Thanks for the tip; I’d poked around there earlier, but this helped me revisit some new stuff with fresh eyes. I went Formatter > Utilities > Transform > line-item-to-text, and that parsed it exactly as I needed. Automation is now up and running!