Hi Jeff,
That could be tricky to do, especially since cities can consist of multiple words and might also include periods. Example: St. Augustine, FL.
Is there any way to clean the data up before it gets into the Zap? How is it getting to Zapier? Is it a form submission, an email parser, etc? Can you elaborate a bit on what the overall process looks like?
Hi @JMoore ,
Circling back to see if you were all set or had additional questions on how to possibly extract the city name from your field. I have also merged your posts so any responses/replies can be documented in one thread 
Please let us know if you have any questions- happy to help!
Yes thank you Liz and Nick. I went ahead and figured out how to do some coding and used a “extract pattern” step to extract only words containing letters. Which is what i needed to do. Tested it a few times with different names and its been working. if anyone is interested in that code, i can post it.
@JMoore that’s great! If you’re comfortable sharing the code, I’m sure other users would love to see how you did it.
Thanks for letting us know!!
That’s awesome @JMoore! Extract Pattern is super powerful but super easy to get incorrect, since it has to be set up very precisely in order to work. Thanks so much for sharing that :)