I’m working on a zap that automatically creates activity entries in Clio based on the emails I receive from courts when the clerk updates the record. My goal is to have the activity entries in Clio reflect the date the hearing was held, rather than the date the the record is updated. In most cases, the clerk makes the entries the same the same day as the hearing. In these cases, it’s easy to extract the proper date with Formatter, because it always follows the phrase “Filing Date” in the body of the email. However, in cases where the clerk does not make the entry the same day as the hearing, this doesn’t work. The date the hearing actually took place, doesn’t always follow the same phrase (there are several phrases it might follow.) Is there a way to isolate this date? Is it possible to extract ALL of the dates and choose the earliest of them?
I’m not a very sophisticated user. I suspect I’ve been using Formatter to accomplish things that are better done with other tools I’m not familiar with.
Thank you for any help.