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Hey can someone tell me how to add filters to remove retweets replies etc and i want to keep only the tweet posted on discord.

Hi @Aswanth 

Have you tried using the Filter app as a Zap step?

Hey i tried using filter as a step but still its posting the retweets and replies and thats why i wanted a bit help


Hey @Aswanth! It’s been a while since you first asked about this so I’m guessing you’ve already got this one figured out. But just in case you haven’t, here’s how to do it...

Whether you’d actually need a Filter step depends on what Twitter trigger you’re using. If it’s one that allows you to enter search terms, like the Search Mention one, you can use -filter:retweets to exclude retweets from its search results.

So say I wanted to trigger a Zap for tweets that use the hashtag #Zapier but not retweets, I’d use the following Search Terms:


This would mean that a separate Filter step would not actually be necessary. You can see the full list of search query operators for Twitter here: Standard search operators

But if you were using a trigger like the My Tweet one where it’s not possible to specify Search Terms, you’d need to set up a Filter step to exclude the retweets. To do that, you’d need to set the Filter to Only continue if the Retweeted Status User Name field Does Not Exist:3a5afe4fafa4d92ff5ff1b5c026b1996.png

This would exclude any retweets that may trigger the Zap. More information on how to set up Filters can be found here: Add conditions to Zaps with filters