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I started working with ChatGPT 4o recently and I am constantly hitting the rate limit with my zap right now. My Zap is designed this way:

  1. ChatGPT is supposed to memorize a text from a Google Drive File, so that the information is stored in the Conversation ID
  2. There is a Loop to repeat this step for every text that is added to my Google Sheet (the GoogleSheet is the trigger for the Zap)
  3. After the Loop, ChatGPT is supposed to make a summary of all texts it memorized

The problem I’m facing right now is that in the first step with ChatGPT memorizing the texts, it already reaches the rate limit for 4o. The texts are not that long, so the input is very similar each time and should not exceed the rate limit. I have the feeling the problem might be the conversation ID. But without using it, the whole step would not work as required. I have already tried to put in delays to prolong the time between the ChatGPT steps activating, but it does not always work.

Does somebody have an idea, how to work around this rate limit problem?

Hi @acDE,

I just came across your post here and wanted to check in here to see how you’re getting on. Have you found a workaround for the issue you’re running into?

Please do let us know if you’re still in need of some help on this at all - happy to assist further! 🤗
