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Hey guys I couldn’t find much resources on the zaps i wanted, and got stuck midway trying to configure them. Are these workflows feasible?

  • Certain member is added on a card > notifies a certain discord channel 
  • Task is overdue for the specific member > notifies a certain discord channel
  • Card gets moved to a specific list > notifies a certain discord channel

Hi @hourdax 

Review the available Zap app triggers/actions:


NOTE: You may need to add a Filter step:

Hey Troy, thanks for the response, though Im stuck on the filtering part, I’m trying to configure this automation

  • Certain member is added on a card > notifies a certain discord channel 

But the some of the filtering on the data are already preselected for some reason?



Help for filtering:

Left side will be a dynamic variable.

Middle is the operator.

Right side can be a static value or dynamic value.

Is this an AI responding? I was looking for help on the left side, the data is preselected.


For the Zap trigger step, select Activity = Member Added to Card

Test the Zap trigger step.

That will return data points related to the Member that was added to the Card.


For the Filter condition.

The left input value must be selected from a previous Zap step via the dropdown menu options.

The middle input must be selected from the dropdown menu options.

The right side would be the value you want to filter against.

There is also the option to remove a rule from the Filter conditions.