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It looks like this is a rendundant request, as i see other requests from a year ago.

This is the ideal workflow:

  1. Create a Zap that, when a Job is created in JobTread, it makes a folder in Google Drive
  2. Using that GDrive Folder Name and the JobTread Job ID as the only variables that would change, I would like to duplicate 4 zaps:
    1. Push new file to JobTread Job ID when a new file is added to the GDrive Folder Name
    2. Push updated file to JobTread Job ID when a updated file is added to the GDrive Folder Name
    3. Push new file to GDrive Folder Name when a new file is added to the JobTread Job ID
    4. Push updated file to GDrive Folder Name when a updated file is added to the JobTread Job ID


Is there a feature request that would allow templatized Zaps to be created? We need DevOps for Zapier lol. 



Hi @SavageC 

  • Create a Zap that, when a Job is created in JobTread, it makes a folder in Google Drive
    • Are you able to add the GDrive Folder ID to the JobTread Job via this Zap action: JobTread - Update Job
      • If yes, then you can use that for reference in other Zaps when a new JobTread File is created.


For this Zap trigger: JobTread - File Created

Does it include the Job ID?

If yes, then you should be able to achieve the automations below dynamically in a Zap without having to create new Zaps per Job.

e.g. If you know the Job ID, then you either have the GDrive Folder ID or can find the GDrive Folder by name (aka Job ID that was used in the GDrive Folder name).


  • Push new file to GDrive Folder Name when a new file is added to the JobTread Job ID
  • Push updated file to GDrive Folder Name when a updated file is added to the JobTread Job ID


How are files being added to the GDrive Folders?

Perhaps have all files added to a “main” GDrive Folder, then use Zaps to move the files to their corresponding Job ID GDrive Folder.

e.g. If the GDrive File ID has the Job ID in the file name, then that can be parsed to search for the related GDrive Folder ID.

Thus making the Zaps dynamic across Job IDs.

Hi Troy,


Thank you for your answer. 

I like the idea of having the file name have the Job ID. 


I’m a little worried about making sure that the job ID matches the file name due to a potential manual error. If If I created a folder that matched the job ID then it would cut down on potential issues that could happen. 


It’s a good workaround until you can dynamically create zap from a zap though.  Thank you!