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How do I create a zap to pull all existing content from Instagram into a Google Sheet?


I have a zap set up to automate when a new post is created on Instagram, but how do I get all the rest of the posts in the same spreadsheet?


My zap stopped working unbeknownst to me and discovered months of content didn’t get sent over.


Any help is appreciated.


2nd question - does anyone know how to create a zap that clicks a downloadable video link in a google sheet and saves the file to Google Drive?

Hi @ttmob 

Good question.


Zaps work while turned ON for new data going forward.

You’ll likely have to manually backfill this data in this case.

Transfer by Zapier doesn’t support Instagram, otherwise that could be an option.



Help article about how to use files in Zaps:

Hey, @Troy Tessalone I appreciate the quick reply. I was hoping for a different answer than that. haha. I think IG must’ve lost the authorized connection and stopped bringing in new content and manually adding 6 months of videos/cover photos/posts is just not an option. Thanks for letting me know zapier isn’t going to work here - saves me trouble trying for hours! :)


and re: Q2 - thanks for that link, I’ll check it out now! :)


Have a great one!