I’m trying to create a social network for agoraphobic people. So since almost 10 years a community is built and have 1200 members mostly in France. Now I want them to become a membership of my association, to use the website. That’s why I bought Memberpress, and using HelloAsso wich in France is the best platform for association.
So now I’m trying to do that : How to create new membership memberpress subscription with HelloAsso new payment?
I tryed to do the contraty, but HelloAsso is not in Actions, just triggers.
I tryed New payment on HelloAsso > create member in Memberpress > create subscription in Memberpress and it’s at the end there is a problem, it can’t get a “status” (current billing status), so troubleshoot error ! How to get memberpress billing status ?
And by the way, there is no update/create member action, so if I create (with create action) a member’s memberpress, the user is already exist for existing account, and if I update a member (with upgrade action), there is no data to update for people without account…
Maybe I forgot something, but I tryed and tryed and tryed in different way. Thank you a lot for your answer, and your time :)