Regardless of the settings in your Google Calendar, data sent through their API (as Zapier does) must be in MM/DD/YYYY format. So, if you try to send an event for April 7, 2021 as 07/04/2021, Google Calendar will interpret that as July 4, 2021. The dates need to be in MM/DD/YYYY format to ensure Google Calendar adds the event to the correct date(s). If your trigger is sending the data in DD/MM format, you can use a Formatter step to reformat the date.
Holy peperoni! You guys are fast! That is so much fun!
It worked!!!!
Thank you! Dankeschön!
Oh no, it doesn’t
Looks like my format is DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM and that is not supported. If i set it up as “Auto” it doesn’t interpretate it correctly.
Event for 9th of April ist beeing set up in 4th of September :(
Try using the ‘Custom’ option and set a static value for your format: DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM
Unfortunately that didn’t work :( any other ideas?
You can use a Code step to parse out the Timestamp into the individual pieces, then recombine as desired.
This looks like it worked:
Notes about formatting time:
It switched the Month and the Day:
The Month should be April:
Input: 09.04.2022 Output: 2022-04-09
Instead it created 2022-09-04
thanks for the screenshot and the prompt replies. it is really helpful. still there is the american european date format issue
Regardless of the settings in your Google Calendar, data sent through their API (as Zapier does) must be in MM/DD/YYYY format.
You should use a different TO Format in the Formatter step: