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How do I create a Zap that adds a row in a different tab in a Google Sheet, depending on the date? If it’s January, the data should go in the January tab, if it’s February in February, etc. I created it with paths but I was wondering if there is an easier way, because apart from creating the row I need to add 3 more actions and the Zap is going to become huge

Hi ​@Ilaria Zap 

Some options:

Hi there, ​@Ilaria Zap! 👋

Were you able to solve things by switching to Airtable or using a lookup table as Troy suggested? 

Want so ensure you’re all set so let us know whether you need any further help at all. 🙂

@Ilaria Zap 

It can be done with a code block and understanding the google sheet identification. 

I had written a long post with the code but it just gets put into moderation. 

You need to use the Google Sheet ID rather than it’s name. You can grab these easily from the google sheet url or underneath the sheet name in the zap configuration. 



You need to then find today’s date extract the month and match it with the google sheet ID. I have written code for you to do this but my post went to moderation where they disappear. If you would like the code let me know and I’ll DM you. 

You then enter that sheet ID into the step by clicking the three dots and selecting custom


Then grab the variable from the code step as the worksheet name


This will allow you to add data to the right month of the year and not have to switch over to Airtables.

I may try and post separately the code.

I hope it helps and if you’d like the code let me know.
