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I’m looking to add a filter to my current Harness to MailChimp zaps that would basically be- “When there is a new donation, add the donor to MailChimp with the tag ‘20th Anniversary’, AND,  IF they said ‘no’ to receiving our newsletter, ALSO tag them as ‘Donation Emails Only’. Is there a way to do this?  


Good question.

Yes, add a Filter step to your Zap:

Thanks Troy but the issue is that filters are “ONLY IF” I would like the filter to just be “IF/Then”. In other words, I want it to be “IF they answered ‘no’, THEN add that tag. But IF they answered ‘yes’ don’t add that tag”. Would “ONLY IF” work for this situation? I still want the ones that say ‘yes’ to be added, just not with that tag.  


If you have a Zapier Pro+ plan, then you can use Paths:

Or you can configure 2 Zaps with Filters.