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How to create a Facebook Offline Event using a csv file

  • 26 March 2020
  • 4 replies



I’m trying to create a facebook offline event using a data-file (*.csv).

I’ve managed to get as far as the “customize event” questionnaire, however i’m not clear on how best to fill this out; 

Is there a data-dictionary of sorts that helps explain each of these options?


Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you,


Best answer by steph.n 9 May 2020, 03:12

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @data_monger - Thanks for the question.


We have an apps page here for Facebook Offline Conversations: - The only Action listed is “Sends events from your customer systems (PoS, CRM, email service provider, etc) to connect Facebook campaigns to offline activity and business impact.” so I was wondering what particular app are you using to trigger the data within your .csv file? If you provide us with the apps you’re trying to Zap, that would help us greatly.




I’m using to store the file, and using the box app trigger on “new file” to start the workflow.

Based on what i’m seeing in the screen shots and directions, it seems like the data file isn’t being loaded… so i’m unable to “map” the fields from the data file in the questionnaire. This is rather misleading, as there are “no errors” of any kind… there simply is no data, nor is there any alert of any kind that “no data was picked up”. It says “successfully connected to” blah blah blah or somesuch… 


Thank you,

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @data_monger ,

Circling back on this thread :slight_smile:  I see you are working with Paolo from Support on this issue! I will keep tabs on his response and update this thread with the solution once reached. 

Please let us know if you have any additional questions!

Userlevel 7
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@data_monger - It’s been a while since we heard back about this, but we noticed that you got a possible solution from our team so we’re sharing it here:

I'm using Google Chrome to test things out. Are you using another browser by any chance?

Also, in this case, could you try:
1. Deleting the Faceebook step for the time being
2. Skip testing the CSV step
3. With only the Box step and CSV step present, you should be able to turn on the Zap
4. Upload a csv file that matches the specs on my previous email onto the box folder to trigger it