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Hey! I created a zap connecting Squarespace Newsletter Form to CleverReach. I want to enable double opt-in but Zapier asks for a form and I don´t know what form that is or how to create one. Can anyone help me? I also attached a screenshot, so you know which section I talk about.

Thank you!!


Hi @D2C,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

I’m not really familiar with CleverReach. However, I have found an article on how to create a double-opt-in form in CleverReach. You can read that here:

Hopefully, this helps!

Thank you @ken.a  for your reply!

I now created a form like this in CleverReach. But what I don´t understand is the process:

  1. Our customer comes to our website and fill in their information (name, mail address, institution) to receive our newsletter.
  2. Zapier submits this information to CleverReach so that this customer and his/her info is added to our newsletter list at CleverReach.

But the double opt-in form I create in CleverReach is a proper newsletter form in itself. But we already have a proper newsletter form on Squarespace. If I now connect Zapier with this double opt-in newsletter form, our customer would have to fill in his information again?


I now connected Zapier with the form which worked. But if I test it and go on our website, fill in the newsletter form → I don´t get an email asking to confirm my newsletter subscription and the info/ mail adress is not even transferred to CleverReach. Even though Zapier´s test works and the John Smith test mail actually did appear on our Newsletter list in CleverReach!

Argh, I am so frustrated. :-((

Do you have any ideas what I could do?

Hi @D2C,

I’m so sorry for the delayed response here.

I can’t find any help articles on how to setup CleverReach with Zapier. I suggest contacting CleverReach for assistance in setting up their integration with Zapier. I'm not very familiar with CleverReach, so I'm sorry if I can't help you much with this.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.