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How to create a ClickUp task if a deal stage in a workflow is not changed after 3 days using Zapier?

  • 30 December 2023
  • 1 reply


i want to create a workflow as following:


I set the deal stage to: “Offer sent” 

If this deal stage is not changed after 3 days. I want to create a Task in Clickup.


If the deal stage changes to “Customer is interested” / “Deal Won” / “Deal lost”, then de Task should not be triggered.


This is how i tried, but odes not work:


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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @thepaul26, welcome to the Community! 👋

Ah, I think it might not be working as hoped due to the the delay action not going back to HubSpot and pull in the latest information for the deal. Delay actions will just delay the rest of the actions in the Zap from running until the specified time.

So in order for the filter action to be able to see if the deal stage had changed after 3 days you’d want to add a Find Deal HubSpot action (between the delay and filter actions) to search for the deal that initially triggered the Zap. Then you can set the filter to only allow the ClickUp task to be created if the current deal stage (output by the Find Deal action) is “Customer is interested”, “Deal Won” or “Deal lost”. 

Can you try adding that Find Deal action, update the filter and let us know if that works better?