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Here's the translation to English:

"Thank you very much for your help, it's always great to see how people with more experience can share their knowledge to help us all grow.

I want to do the following:
I have generated a Purchase Order document in PDF using DocuGen, and it is in a file column on the Purchase Orders board. Each item is a separate purchase order. The sub-elements are the details of the purchase order. Each purchase order PDF document has a different name.

So, I want to explore the possibility of setting up a Zap so that when a purchase order is approved, i.e., when a status column changes to 'Approved', the PDF document is copied to a Google Drive folder as mentioned above, but each time it does this, it should use the name corresponding to the new item.

I hope you understand, and even more, I hope you can help me.

Thank you very much."

Hi there @Buca,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

Here is how I see the Zap for the workflow that you have in mind:

  1. Trigger: - Specific Column Value Changed in Board
  2. Action: Google Drive - Create Folder
  3. Action: Google Drive - Upload File

Additionally, you can learn about mapping fields here:

Hopefully, this helps!