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How to connect company LinkedIn page (not personal)?

  • 16 February 2023
  • 3 replies

How do I connect my company Linkedin and not my persona Linked in???

Hi @Lauren A 

Good question.

Help articles for using LinkedIn in Zaps:

The LinkedIn Zap app has these available actions:


selecting company update does it via the individual’s account - therefore their name is still attached to the company post. how can a post be made without?

the feature is available on the platform directly - post as individual or company,either%20the%20organization%20or%20yourself.&text=Access%20your%20Page%20Super%20or,Locate%20the%20correct%20post.

Hey @floridaseating 👋

I did some checking on this end and couldn’t see any existing feature requests for the ability to share an update as a company rather than an individual. I’d suggest contacting our Support team to submit a new feature request for that to be added using the form here: Be sure to select the Report a bug or request a feature option from the “What would you like more help with?” form at the bottom of the page.

In the meantime, it looks like the LinkedIn app on Zapier has both API Request and Custom actions available so perhaps you could use one of those features to post the update as the company rather than as yourself. If you’re interested in giving that a try please check out the following help guides for details on how to use them:


Hope that helps. If you run into any issues on that or have any further questions at all just let us know! 🙂
