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How to compare two Google Sheets for a unique ID and add “YES” if true, otherwise “NO” if false.

  • 25 April 2022
  • 5 replies


I would like to compare two spreadsheets datas.

Basically, I would like to lookup for each row on Sheet “A”, if a unique ID (email address) is found on Sheet “B”. If it’s true, I would like the zap to add “YES” on a cell to the corresponding row, if it’s false,  would like the zap to add “NO”.

Any help would be really appreciated.

Hi @comutd 

Good question.

Here’s a help article about how to create a looping Zap:


Hey @comutd! I’m wondering if maybe using the lookup table with formatter would be a good solution for your request? My thinking is your zap could look like this: 

  1. New row in Sheet B with email
  2. use the lookup table with formatter to pull and compare to Sheet A
  3. use paths to update Sheet B with either yes or no if address is found. 

I hope that makes sense, I’m not 100% sure if this would solve your issue but I thought it’d be worth a try! 🙂 Here’s a link to what formatter can do!

Let me know if you try it out 😊


Hi @comutd!

I’m not sure if you were able to solve this one - did any of the suggestions above help? 

If not, could you tell us a little bit more about what you’re trying to do? For example, are the two spread sheets in the same workbook (ie are they different tabs in the same file, or are they different files)? And do you want the Zap to run when you add a new row in Sheet A, or do you already have the data in Sheet A and you want this to work with the existing data?

If you can let us know a bit more information we can try and find you a solution that’ll work best for you 😁

Hey @comutd! Sorry my above response would actually not work as lookup tables can only compare static data and would not pull in data from google sheets. I think a better solution would be to use a v lookup formula, and you actually don’t need to use Zapier for that 🤔 This would be a function google sheets would perform, and from my understanding your sheets would need to be in the same workbook. Here is a link to an article that goes into step by step detail: Scroll down towards the middle of the page for comparing two separate sheets 🙂 Hopefully this solves your issue, I’d love to hear if you decide to try this out! ☺️ 

Hi there! I wanted to pop in and consolidate some of these awesome replies into one. 🤗

 I think a better solution would be to use a v lookup formula, and you actually don’t need to use Zapier for that 🤔 This would be a function google sheets would perform, and from my understanding your sheets would need to be in the same workbook. Here is a link to an article that goes into step by step detail: Scroll down towards the middle of the page for comparing two separate sheets 🙂 Hopefully this solves your issue, I’d love to hear if you decide to try this out! 

Troy also shared a helpful article on how create a Loop which can be seen here:

I hope some of this helps!