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How To Automatically Upload A New File Created By Zapier Into A Specific Folder

  • 21 January 2023
  • 8 replies

I have Zap that creates a new Google Doc based off of a submission from Google Form, the logic is fairly straight forward, but I cannot figure out the upload step to Google Drive to a certain folder. Each document shows on the root of just my Google Drive.

The Google Document that is being created by Google Form each have a unique document name based on the answer on the form.

I.E. a question on the form is: What is your ID? Answer: 123456

Google Doc name: 123456 - Application Submission

Any assistance on this would be great.


Best answer by Troy Tessalone 25 January 2023, 02:14

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8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @MyKo 

Good question.

What is the logic for knowing what GDrive folder to use for a given GDoc?

Try using a GDrive Find Folder Zap action step.


Thank you for this guidance, I was able to locate the folder, as shown below, but was not able to make anything of it or have newly zapped documents show in said folder. My apologies, this is my first Zap so I’m still learning.

Also was not sure if there was something incorrect about the “Folder Name” as I was unsure what to input here and the last question “Should this step be considered a “success” when nothing is found? As the test action failed on No but on Yes I couldn’t find anything when I ran the zap.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Try adding another step: GDrive - Upload File (GDoc from Step 2 and GDrive Folder ID from Step 3)


Thank you I was able to upload to the correct folder, but I cannot figure out how to get the newly zapped document to the folder, I tried the ID in the test action in step 2 but it generated a random .txt document in the folder.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


We’d need to see detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured.

Make sure to map the GDoc field that say “File exists but not shown” as part of the value.

How to use files in Zaps:

Here are the screenshots, I have the first two parts of the zaps pretty much figured out but not the uploading new file to specific folder portion.

Thank you again.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


The File field expects a file url or a file object.


From the GDoc step, search for “File exists but not shown”, else use the one of these links:



Also, you probably don’t need Step 3 (GDrive Find Folder), since you aren’t mapping a dynamic variable from that step to Step 4.

My apologies as I was gone for some time and this was the resolution. Thank you!