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A.- cliente( comprador ) activa una membresia  en hotmart

B.- para darle seguimiento al comprador de la membresia -- Automatico quien paga pueda estar eh el grupo de seguimiento

ahora para darle un seguimiento mas personal se lo puede hacer por telegram o discord cualquiera de las dos se me ocurre ...pero mas telegram porque permite programar los mensajes

ahora digamos Pepito Perez activa su membresia 8 de Octubre de 2024 ... entonces que pueda acceder a la membresia en hotmart porque pago pero que a su vez pueda acceder al grupo de telegram porque pago su membresia


Y en ese grupo de telegram o discord se da seguimiento personalizado.


C.- si el cliente deja de pagar membresia - pierde acceso al grupo de telegram o hotmart

 si digamos 3 meses paga seguido pero al mes 4 deja de pagar . logico en hotmart pierde el acceso pero que tambien lo pierda de forma automatica en el grupo de telegram o discord



pero que todo sea automatico que haya una conexion fluida entre hotmart y el grupo 


Moderator edit to include Google Translation of original message:


A.- client (buyer) activates a membership in hotmart

B.- to follow up with the buyer of the membership - Automatic, whoever pays can be in the follow-up group

Now to give a more personal follow-up, it can be done by telegram or discord, either of the two occurs to me ... but more telegram because it allows you to schedule messages

Now let's say Pepito Perez activates his membership on October 8, 2024 ... then he can access the membership in hotmart because he paid but at the same time he can access the telegram group because he paid for his membership

And in that telegram or discord group, personalized follow-up is given.

C.- if the client stops paying for the membership - he loses access to the telegram or hotmart group

If let's say 3 months he pays continuously but at month 4 he stops paying. Logically, in Hotmart you lose access, but you also lose it automatically in the Telegram or Discord group

But everything should be automatic so that there is a fluid connection between Hotmart and the group​​

Hi @tatianaorellana,


Welcome to the Community. 


You can try this method to connect Hotmart membership payments with Telegram/Discord group access, you must create a middleware server that handles API calls between Hotmart and the messaging platforms. Start by setting up a webhook in Hotmart to notify your middleware server of purchases, cancellations, or refunds.


Create a bot on Telegram/Discord to manage group memberships, and implement logic in your middleware to add users upon purchase and remove them upon cancellation. Ensure users provide their Telegram/Discord usernames during purchase for identification. Finally, test the entire setup to confirm functionality. This process requires coding skills, so consider hiring a developer if needed. Adjustments may be necessary based on your specific platforms and technologies.


Let us know if this helps you jump-start your Zap.
