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is there a way to make Zapier mark a capsule crm task as complete when the correlating task in to do ist is clicked complete 


Hi ​@yuyuy 

There is no Capsule Zap action to Update Task, so you’ll have to explore one of these options:



thanks ​@Troy Tessalone is there any way you could help me add the API to my new automation I can send a screen shot if needed but all it does is make it so if a capsule task is added it gets added to todoist and in a new zap I've made it so when a task is completed I get a email but I want to make it mark as complete on capsule when marked as done on todoist this would make it all automated and save loads of time but not sure how to integrate the API if you could help it would be much appreciated 


Did you try this option if it is available?



Hi there, ​@yuyuy! 👋

I noticed you reached out to our Support team, who were planning to submit a feature request for the ability to update tasks. It seems they’re still waiting for a response from you before they can proceed on that. If you can’t see their email in your email inbox, I’d recommend searching your spam/junk folder or searching your inbox for any emails from in case it’s been misplaced. 

The Custom Action feature is not available for the Capsule CRM app unfortunately. How did you get on with the API Request action Troy suggested using? If you’re running into any issues with it, we’d be happy to help you get it set up—just let us know!