My google sheet have information about a customer, the date he started his contract (date commande), the date his contract will finish (date fin théorique), and the date where he reaches 18 months into his contract ( date d’envoi).
I’d like to receive a notification on my outlook whenever a customer reaches the date where his contract is 18 months (date d’envoi).
I’ve started doing some testing in order to receive automatically an email saying this person reached 18months into his contract but i couldn’t find the trigger to set up.
This is how my table in google sheets looks like

So I wanted to schedule my zapier in the trigger everyday.

then chatgpt suggested me to set the format as it is on my google sheets but i’m not sure about the input if it’s correct.

then the problem here is it shows no data in the lookup value.

and i get this error.

Am I complicating things? is there a better way?