
How to automate a Google Calendar link received in Gmail

  • 3 November 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi all,

I receive appointments for a company I do contracting with via an email to a Gmail address. Within this email is all the information, but also a Google Calendar event link which automatically adds the relevant details to my calendar.

Is there a way I can setup a Zap that will add the Google calendar link to my Google Calendar when I receive an email from that address?

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @SCCAU I think I can help! Your first step is going to be setting up your Trigger New Email in Gmail

You’ll then enter a Filter step, which filters specifically for the trigger words/title sent out each time in the invite. We’ll then move on to an Action step, Create Detailed Event in Google Calendar. Similar to the screenshot below, of course you can fill out fields as required for your needs. 

Let me know if this works!