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Hi , I want to Auto Reply When ever some one comments and ask for (Update)

Example : Please Update (your title)

now when some one comments the word update the zapier should trigger and replay who commented (the Specif World) Update 

and Replay (We will Update it Soon)

What should i use to make this kind of connection

Hi @jamesgerry 

You can look for the keyword “Update” using Disqus “New Comment” trigger and a filter step which will only pass the comment that contains “Please Update” phrase. However, there is no Zapier action for disqus to reply to a comment. Although using “Webhook by Zapier” and disqus’s API to reply to comment is possible, check out disqus’s API here:

Hi i have done all the steps but the Webhook part i am a bit confused , can you please guide me what should i selecte next and do, To Reply a Text (We Will Soon Update) 

kinely please guide me in this part and the api also 


Here are the parts i did just like you told 



With this one i need help 


@jamesgerry for the Webhooks step, you would want to choose “POST” as you are posting (sending) something back to Disqus. How the webhook needs to be configured is dependent on how Disqus wants (needs) to receive the info. That might be a better question for their team or perhaps @robschmidt can continue working through this one with you!