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In Zendesk, I’ve got a closing macro agents use to wrap up the conversation that includes a link to a SurveyMonkey survey. Is there a way to associate the survey replies with a comment on the original ticket?

Hey @jthees, welcome to the community! 👋

What a great question! To achieve this you’d need some way of passing a unique identifying value (like the Zendesk ticket’s ID) to the SurveyMonkey survey.

I’m thinking you could create a custom variable on the survey that’s hidden and then in the URL for the form, you’d pass the ticket ID into that hidden field. That way when a Zap triggers for the completed survey there should be the ticket ID present in the hidden field. 

Looking at the documentation on SurveyMonkey’s website it looks like that should be possible: Setting Up Custom Variables

You’d also need to alter the Zendesk macro that generates the link to include the ticket ID as a custom variable in the url. It looks like there’s a placeholder variable: Zendesk Support placeholders reference but I’m not clear on whether you could use that in the macro. So that might be something you’d need to check with Zendesk about. 

Hopefully that helps to get you started. Please do keep us updated on how you get on with this! 


Thanks Sam! That gets me pointed in the right direction, and it does look like it’ll do the job. I’ll follow up on this with the results.