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Hello there, I used to use the Discord plugin for PMP but it’s not working well. So i thought to discard it and use Zapier for my needed actions.

My goal is, when a user buys membership “A” to get discord role “A” and this approach should happen for 4 roles. Same would happen if a user cancel his membership then he should loose the role. 

I am a bit confused how to set this up due to conditions etc. FYI its my first integration with Zapier :/

Could anyone assist me to achieve my goal ? 

Hi @panos_tz 

Try using these to check conditions:

Hey there @Troy Tessalone 

I was actually working on it for the past 6 hours and completed my task. The bad thing is that I need Zapier Pro to publish it cause I have Zapier Steps.

Thank you for getting back to me tho.

have a nice day.