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ActivePipe is an email marketing site used by mortgage brokers and real estate agents, but it does not currently have an agreement with Zapier.  I want Zapier to add new clients to ActivePipe when they are created in BrokerEngine.  Have any other brokers raised this issue and is there a solution?  

Hi @Duff_AU 

Most Zap app integrations are created and managed by the app developer using the Zapier Developer Platform.

If the app supports webhooks or APIs, then check these resources:


Hi there, @Duff_AU 👋

I spotted that ActivePipe is on our wishlist of apps to have added to Zapier so I went ahead and added your vote for it. We can’t make any promises as to whether it’ll be added any time soon but we’ll definitely email you when/if it is. 🙂

Did you manage to connect with ActivePipe using one of the workaround methods outlined in the guide Troy shared here?

Keen to ensure you’re all set so do let us know if you’re stuck at all in setting up a workaround and we’ll be happy to help further! 
