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I’m new here and with zapiert and i’m trying to automate Jira with Google sheets. I have some question:
1.  I have a project in Jira but inside it some diferents workflow or type of tickets, how can i specify that i only want to use one specific workflow? 

  1. I’m also trying to relate the ticket’s field in order to add this in the spreadsheet, however i don’t find the same names and i’m not understanding the meaning of them, any idea? 

Thank you in advance for your help! 

Hi @juliana24, welcome to the Community! 😁

I have a project in Jira but inside it some diferents workflow or type of tickets, how can i specify that i only want to use one specific workflow? 

For the currently selected test record in the New Request trigger, is there a field that states what type of request it is, e.g. onboarding?

If so, you could potentially add a filter to your Zap to check that Jira field contains the word “Onboarding” for example, which would ensure that the Zap only carries out subsequent actions if the type of request is an Onboarding type of request. You can learn more about using filters here: Add conditions to Zaps with filters

I’m also trying to relate the ticket’s field in order to add this in the spreadsheet, however i don’t find the same names and i’m not understanding the meaning of them, any idea? 

If the fields available in the Zap don’t match what’s available in Jira then you may need to load in a new test record for a request that has the correct fields - see the Change the test record in your Zap trigger guide for details. Then in your Zap’s action you can search for the name of the field or the value that it contains to more easily locate and select the desired field:

Can you give that a try and let us know how you get on? Happy to assist further! 🙂