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I want to add a pixel I manage from business account, but it does not show in the pixel area 

This pixel was created from different account then I add it to this new Facebook business account with full manage access 

I tried to copy the ID in the custom pixel but it didn't work 

what should I do?

Hi @fajer j, welcome to the Community! 🎉

Since you mentioned Pixel, are you using the Facebook Conversions app or the Facebook Conversions (for Business admins) app

If it’s the Facebook Conversions app, can you confirm whether the Facebook account you’re attempting to connect to is a business admin account?

If it is then you might want to try switching to the business admins version of the Facebook Conversion app instead. But if that isn’t the case, or if switching to the Facebook Conversions (for Business admins) app doesn’t work, can you share a screenshot showing where in the Zap the pixel is missing? If you’re using the the business version I believe the pixel needs to be selected when adding the account, so is it that the pixel is missing when you attempt to connect your account? 

And if you can share screenshots showing the setup of the Facebook Conversions action and where you’ve selected the custom Pixel ID that would be super helpful to us in troubleshooting this further. Please remove/hide any private information (like names, emails, addresses etc.) from any screenshots before sharing. 

Thanks, I look forward to your reply!