How to add a Xero quote link to WhatsApp reminders in Botspace using Zapier
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Hi everyone.
I have a Zap, which sends a reminder WhatsApp (Botspace) when a quote is about to expire (Hubspot deal). Botspace has the ability to include a unique link to each follow-up whatsapp, I would like to use that field as the Xero quote link (so customers can click the unique link on the whatsapp message) and go straight to their quote).
Does anyone know how to add that step to my Zap? I have added some screenshots of the existing setup.
The complication is some customers have multiple deals, so I need to find the one that meets the criteria for them to be added to the Hubspot list - see the below example
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Welcome to the Community.
To include a unique Xero quote link in a WhatsApp message via Zapier, add a "Find Quote in Xero" step to locate the quote associated with the HubSpot deal using identifiers like quote numbers or customer names. Then, in the Botspace action, insert the Xero quote link into the WhatsApp message text. If managing multiple deals, use a filter step to ensure the Zap continues only for deals meeting specific criteria, such as those nearing expiration.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Welcome to the Community.
To include a unique Xero quote link in a WhatsApp message via Zapier, add a "Find Quote in Xero" step to locate the quote associated with the HubSpot deal using identifiers like quote numbers or customer names. Then, in the Botspace action, insert the Xero quote link into the WhatsApp message text. If managing multiple deals, use a filter step to ensure the Zap continues only for deals meeting specific criteria, such as those nearing expiration.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.
I don’t see the action in the Xero step- see below
Hi there, @DLSA!
You’re right, there’s definitely no “Find Quote” action available for the Xero app on Zapier. I’d recommend contacting our Support team to submit a new feature request for that type of search action to be added. You can do that here:
In the meantime, does a link to the quote get stored in HubSpot by any chance? Or is there another Zap that creates the quote—in which case you could potentially use that Zap to store the link in HubSpot. Thinking that if the link gets stored in HubSpot, then in the Zap that sends out the reminders it could get the quote link from HubSpot and use it in the WhatsApp message.
Do you think that sort of approach could work?
I am struggling with custom actions. It keeps giving me this error
Just to be upfront, the Custom Actions Beta is considered an advanced feature, so our support for it may be more limited. Not because we don't want to help, but because APIs can be tricky to troubleshoot since we can't see what's happening on the other side. Every API that you send a request to is going to have slightly different structures that are required.
This makes it hard for us to know why the request may be receiving errors or not working as expected, beyond taking a general look at what's showing in Zapier.