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I have a dictionary that looks something like this: 


  1. Group A
  2. Group B
  3. Group C

These list items correspond to groups in Google Contacts, and my goal is for Zapier to create a Google Contact and add them to every group included in this list. There are 30+ groups that a single contact can belong to. 

This is a problem because when looking up “how to add a contact to multiple groups in Google Contact” the best solution I found in the Zapier community called for using paths (where you add a path for group), and Zapier only allows you to add 5 paths.

Does anyone know another way to add a contact to multiple groups in Google Contact? 🙏 Thank you!



Hi @ThomasOfficer 

Good question.

Try using the Looping app:

You’ll need to know the internal GContacts Group ID.


@Troy Tessalone Thank you for replying! Can you please elaborate? When I use the step ‘Add Contact to Group in Google Groups` in my loop, how select which group? 

I think what you’re suggesting is that I create a table that maps GContacts Group labels to their IDs…. but how would I use such a table in my loop?


Lookup Table resource:


@Troy Tessalone That worked!

  • I created a Zapier table mapping GContact labels to GContact label IDs
  • In my Zap, in the loop, I look up the GContact ID and use it in the ‘Add Contact to Group in Google Groups` step

Thank you!

@Troy Tessalone One more wrinkle: I’m designing my Zap such that it either updates OR creates a record in Google Contacts. Ideally, my zap would have 2x loops:

How could I solve this? Thank you again


If you are not able to add another Looping app in the other Path, then you will have to chain Zaps together using Wehooks.


So you would have 3 Zaps.


Zap 1 (for each Path)

Action: Webhooks - POST

Use the webhook generated from Zap 2 for the respective Path.


Zap 2 (repeat for each path from Zap 1)

Trigger: Webhook - Catch Hook

This will generate a unique webhook URL to put in Zap 1 for the respective Path.