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How to add a contact to multiple groups in Google Contact

  • 2 August 2023
  • 6 replies


I have a dictionary that looks something like this: 


  1. Group A
  2. Group B
  3. Group C

These list items correspond to groups in Google Contacts, and my goal is for Zapier to create a Google Contact and add them to every group included in this list. There are 30+ groups that a single contact can belong to. 

This is a problem because when looking up “how to add a contact to multiple groups in Google Contact” the best solution I found in the Zapier community called for using paths (where you add a path for group), and Zapier only allows you to add 5 paths.

Does anyone know another way to add a contact to multiple groups in Google Contact? 🙏 Thank you!


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6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @ThomasOfficer 

Good question.

Try using the Looping app:

You’ll need to know the internal GContacts Group ID.


Userlevel 1

@Troy Tessalone Thank you for replying! Can you please elaborate? When I use the step ‘Add Contact to Group in Google Groups` in my loop, how select which group? 

I think what you’re suggesting is that I create a table that maps GContacts Group labels to their IDs…. but how would I use such a table in my loop?

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Lookup Table resource:


Userlevel 1

@Troy Tessalone That worked!

  • I created a Zapier table mapping GContact labels to GContact label IDs
  • In my Zap, in the loop, I look up the GContact ID and use it in the ‘Add Contact to Group in Google Groups` step

Thank you!

Userlevel 1

@Troy Tessalone One more wrinkle: I’m designing my Zap such that it either updates OR creates a record in Google Contacts. Ideally, my zap would have 2x loops:

How could I solve this? Thank you again

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


If you are not able to add another Looping app in the other Path, then you will have to chain Zaps together using Wehooks.


So you would have 3 Zaps.


Zap 1 (for each Path)

Action: Webhooks - POST

Use the webhook generated from Zap 2 for the respective Path.


Zap 2 (repeat for each path from Zap 1)

Trigger: Webhook - Catch Hook

This will generate a unique webhook URL to put in Zap 1 for the respective Path.